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Terms of Use is committed to providing users with valuable insights and tools for understanding various software products. Access to the website ("the Site") is granted under the condition that users agree to these terms and conditions ("Terms") as stated, without any modifications.

Acceptance of Terms

By accessing and using the Site, you agree to comply with these Terms, all relevant laws, and local regulations. If you disagree with any of the Terms, you are prohibited from using this Site. The materials on this Site are protected under applicable copyright and trademark laws.

User License

Materials on the website are for personal and non-commercial use only. Under this limited use license, users may not modify, copy, use for commercial display, attempt to reverse engineer any software or services on the Site, or transfer the content to another person or server. Violation of these restrictions results in an automatic termination of this license, which can end at any time.

Upon termination or completion of viewing the materials, users must delete any downloaded materials in their possession, whether in electronic or printed format.


The materials on are provided "as is". We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including any warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of intellectual property, or fitness for a particular purpose. Additionally, we make no warranty regarding the accuracy, reliability, or outcome of using the materials on the Site or linked websites.

The contents, including texts, graphics, and other materials on the Site, are for informational purposes only. Users should verify any product information with the manufacturers. While we strive to keep the information current, we make no guarantees of its completeness, accuracy, or timeliness. operates as a comparison and review website funded through referral fees from VPN partners. Our rankings and reviews may be influenced by commercial factors and can change over time.

Limitation of Liability

Use of the Site and its services is at your own risk. and its suppliers will not be liable for any damages arising from the use of the Site, including data loss or business interruption.


Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any claims, damages, and expenses, including attorney fees, arising from their use of the Site or violation of these Terms.

Content Accuracy

We do not guarantee that the Site's content is free of errors and reserve the right to make changes without notice. We are not obligated to regularly update the content.

Third-Party Links

We are not responsible for the content of any linked third-party sites and do not endorse them. Use of any such linked website is at the user's risk.

Terms Modification reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time. By continuing to use the Site, you agree to the current version of these Terms.

Governing Law

Any claims related to will be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

Contact Us

For any questions regarding this Terms of Use, please contact us at

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